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Privacy Statement
To use this platform, the system writes one or more cookies in your browser. These cookies are not shared with any third parties. In addition, your IP address and browser information is stored in server logs and used to generate anonymized usage statistics. We use these statistics to gauge the use of library content, and the information is not shared with any third parties.
To the greatest extent possible, user data collected from library engagement, either in-person or online, is limited to anonymized, non-identifiable demographic and academic information. Demographic and academic information consists of categories such as student classification (e.g. freshman, senior, graduate student), major, gender, grade point average, targeted population status (e.g. first-generation, transfer, Honors), and duration of library engagement.
Direct access to information which can be directly or indirectly tied to a specific person--is limited to that which is required by workflow processes to run queries and generate reports. It is deleted at the earliest possible point of the information collection, reporting, and analysis process. The goal is to collect and retain only the minimum amount of information needed to provide and evaluate library-related services. The library strives to keep all personally identifiable information confidential and does not sell, license, or disclose personal information without consent unless compelled to do so under the law or as necessary to protect library resources or library operations.
Library employees are regularly trained and reminded of their responsibilities with respect to student information. Those with direct access to personally identifiable user data are required to have completed applicable data management and privacy training.
User data generated for analysis is stored in a secured ECU network location with restricted password access and, whenever possible, deleted at the earliest possible point of the information collection, analysis, and reporting process. It is used for service improvement and not for research.