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Space Availability - Laupus Library


  1. Locate the space you'd like to reserve. Green blocks indicate available. Red blocks indicate unavailable. Orange blocks indicate your current selection.
  2. Select the start time for your reservation. Scroll to the bottom of the page (below the booking grid) to view the span of time for your reservation. Change the end time to your preferred end time, in accordance with room type policies.
    1. Note: lab space (VR & One-Button Studio) can be reserved for one hour at a time. Study rooms (small and large) can be reserved for up to six hours a day.
  3. Complete the form on the following page with your ECU e-mail address and name. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with a check-in code.
    1. Note: the e-mail will come from LibCal. Check your junk folder if you do not see it in your inbox. Do not delete the confirmation e-mail.


1. If you are reserving a study room for a virtually procotored exam, you may locate and use a mobile white board to block the interior window for the duration of your exam.
2. At the end of your appointment, please leave the door open to indicate the room is no longer in use.

Need help making a reservation? Please reach out to us!

Comment? Complaint? Please leave us feedback!


Rooms can be reserved up to two weeks in advance, up to six hours a day.

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding